The Truth About How Safe Neon Signs Are
Calm your concerns and maintain the highest standards of safety as you dive into this guide in search of answers to the question “how safe are neon signs?”
by Jantec Neon • January 31, 2020

When it comes to owning and operating a business, safety is often of the utmost importance. Not only do business owners need to concern themselves with the safety of their employees, but also with the safety of their customers. As such, it’s important to carefully consider the safety of every aspect of your business, including the decorative elements. For business owners looking to spruce up their space with a personalized neon sign, it’s important to know the truth about how safe neon signs are. This brief overview will dive deeper into some of the more common misconceptions regarding neon sign safety to help assuage any concerns.
Dangerous gases
The most common misconception that overshadows the truth about how safe neon signs are relates to the gases used to create the iconic neon glow. Most neon signs utilize a combination of pressurized neon and argon gases. This can set some people ill at ease with the thought of the sign breaking and leaching these gases into their air supply. Though neon and argon are both noble gases, there is little reason to worry about them contaminating the air supply. In fact, both gases are already found in the air we breathe every day. In fact, the gases that are inside neon signs are often distilled from that very air. While the risk of inhaling these gases in dangerous quantities is minimal, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. To ensure the safest neon sign usage possible, be sure to place the sign in an open, well-ventilated area. This will reduce the risk of dizziness or headaches in the unlikely event the sign does break.
Broken glass
Broken glass can pose a significant health risk and is often a chief concern to individuals considering neon signs. While neon signs may appear rather delicate and fragile, there is actually very little threat of a neon sign breaking. Producers hand-craft each neon sign with care to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety. Designers are constantly on the lookout for any fractures or imperfections that could put your neon sign at risk of breaking. Additionally, the glass used to produce neon signs undergoes a process called annealing which further reduces the risk of cracks or breakages. During the annealing process, creators place the glass within a temperature-controlled kiln and bring it down to lower temperatures at a very slow rate. Sudden, drastic temperature changes can easily cause the glass to shatter but cooling it very slowly mitigates this risk and relieves the glass of any internal stresses. To further reduce the risk of broken glass, be sure to place your neon sign out of reach of customers. This will reduce the risk of someone jostling and breaking the sign.
High temperatures
Like any light source, neon signs do produce a fair amount of electricity. Though neon signs appear more vibrant and luminous than other light sources, however, they only produce roughly the same amount of heat as an average domestic lightbulb. Though neon signs pose little risk of burns, it’s still best not to touch the sign unless absolutely necessary.